domingo, 26 de enero de 2020
El examen tiene dos partes; la segunda (comentario de texto) la han de hacer únicamente quienes no entreguen trabajos de curso.
Los trabajos (impresos y en inglés) se pueden entregar hasta el día del examen inclusive. Podrán recogerse más adelante pasando por mi despacho a horas de tutorías una vez figure la calificación en la página 'Calificaciones' (columna derecha).
La primera parte del examen, la que tiene que realizar todo el mundo, consiste en preguntas tipo test (multiple choice, a elegir una) y un tema o redacción en inglés (a elegir entre dos: uno de los autores principales o un tema más general sobre un género, época, escuela, etc.).
(Nota: en el examen tipo test, dos fallos descuentan un acierto).
En el examen no se utilizan diccionarios ni otros materiales.
Recordad que según la guía los trabajos pueden entregarse sólo antes de la primera convocatoria, aunque se puedan guardar esas notas para la segunda convocatoria en caso necesario.
Las notas de la primera convocatoria irán apareciendo en esta página (enlace 'calificaciones' en la columna derecha) gradualmente, a partir de primeros de febrero, detallando la calificación de cada prueba. Una vez disponga de las calificaciones finales, aparecerán también en el tablón de anuncios al lado de mi despacho. Los exámenes podrán revisarse hasta la tercera semana de febrero.
Para interpretar las notas es útil mirar los requisitos de la guía (el 4,5 mínimo para mediar) y más criterios de corrección que aparecen aquí. Recordad que las notas de los trabajos ya realizados pueden guardarse, en caso necesario, para otra convocatoria—pero no se puede optar nuevamente por la modalidad de trabajos en la segunda convocatoria y empezar a hacerlos ahora.
Otra cosa. Quienes no han asistido a clase o no me han entregado ficha serán los últimos en ver sus trabajos corregidos y sus notas publicadas.
William Cowper - NIVEL AVANZADO
- Un sermón baptista sobre la vida y poesía de William Cowper:
- John Newton, amigo de Cowper, es autor de uno de los más famosos de los Olney Hymns, "Amazing Grace."
sábado, 25 de enero de 2020
jueves, 23 de enero de 2020
viernes, 17 de enero de 2020
- Edmund Burke: Philosopher, Politician, Prophet:
- Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left in politics:
- Relevancia actual de las ideas de Edmund Burke - en palabras de Roger Scruton, el "Edmund Burke del año 2000."
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020
martes, 14 de enero de 2020
Mary Wollstonecraft (NIVEL AVANZADO)
- BBC In Our Time: Mary Wollstonecraft (audio):
- An interview on The Wollstonecraftian Mind (2019) in New Books Network (otro sitio recomendable para aficionarse a él).
- A lecture
by Lyndall Gordon, one of Mary Wollstonecraft's biographers:
Un artículo interesante sobre la tradición feminista del XVIII:
Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús. "La vindicación de los derechos de la mujer antes de Mary Wollstonecraft." Philologia Hispalensis 17.2 (2003): 105-14.*
- A
BBC series on women and power—
forever! The Story of Women and Power. Presented by Amanda Vickery. BBC
miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020
Nivel avanzado - Más sobre Adam Smith
- Una conferencia sobre las teorías económicas de Adam Smith: "Adam Smith and the Birth of Economics":
- Otra conferencia sobre la obra de Adam Smith—los sentimientos morales, etc., de Alan Macfarlane—en Cambridge. Quien no asiste a clases de Cambridge es porque no quiere.
Breashears, Caroline. "Adam Smith and the Horror of Frankenstein." Video lecture, 27 Feb. 2019. Online at Adam Smith Works.*
-Un par de artículos míos sobre Adam Smith:
- Y una divagación sobre la relación entre el espectador invisible de Adam Smith y la idea del lector implícito.
Samuel Johnson (NIVEL AVANZADO)
- Will Durant, "The Life of Samuel Johnson." Audio.
- A BBC documentary, Samuel Johnson: The Dictionary Man:
And a lecture on Rasselas:
Goldsmith, Oliver
From the Oxford Companion to English Literature, ed. Margaret Drabble:
GOLDSMITH, Oliver (?1730-74), the second son of an Anglo-Irish clergyman, born probably at Pallas, Co. Longford, or perhaps at Elphin, Roscommon. He spent much of his childhood at Lissoy, and is thought to have drawn on his memories of it when writing The Deserted Village. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and graduated after some upheavals in 1750; he then presented himself for ordination, was rejected, and went to Edinburgh, where he studied medicine but took no degree. He studied in Leiden, and during 1755-6 wandered about France, Switzerland, and Italy, reaching London destitute in 1756, where he supported himself with difficulty as a physician in Southwark and as an usher in Peckham; he may at this period have received a medical degree from Trinity, though this remains unclear. He applied for a medical post in India, but failed to obtain it; meanwhile he had embarked on a literary career as reviewer and hack-writer for Griffith's Monthly Review, one of his early pieces being a favourable review of Burker's Philosophical Enquiry . . . into the *Sublime and Beautiful. *Burke was to become a close friend. In 1758 he published, under the pseudyonym 'James Willington', his translation of The Memoirs of a Protestant, Condemned to the Galleys in France Because of His Religion (by Jean Marteilhe of Bergerac, a victim of the Edict of Nantes), and in 1759 his frist substantial work, An Enquiry into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe. It was at this period he met *Percy, later bishop of Dromore, who was to become a loyal friend and also his biographer. He was by now contributing to many periodicals (the Busy Body, the Monthly Review, the *Critical Review, the Ladies' Magazine, etc.), and during Oct. and Nov. 1759 published his own little periodical, the Bee, in which appeared his 'Elegy on Mrs Mary Blaize' (a pawn-broker) and 'A City Night-Piece'. He contributed to *Smollett's British Magazine, started in 1760, and was also employed by *Newbery, for whose new Public Ledger he wroter his 'Chinese Letters', subsequently republished as The Citizen of the World in 1762; he is also said to have written the nursery tale Goody Two-Shoes. In 1761 he met Dr. *Johnson, who admired his work; he became one of the original members of Johnson's *Club. Johnson remained his friend and champion, and in 1762 sold for him the (possibly unfinished) manuscript of The Vicar of Wakefield to Newbery, thereby saving him from arrest for debt. Goldsmith was still struggling as a writer, and making his living with a variety of hack-work in the form of biographies, compilations, translations, abridgements, etc: these include lives of *Voltaire (1761) and Beau *Nash (1762), an abridgement of *Plutarch (1762), a History of England in a series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son (1764), a Roman History (1769), a Grecian History (1774), lives of T. *Parnell and *Bolingbroke (1770), etc.—in all more than 40 volumes. But he first achieved literary distinction with his poem The Traveller (1764), who introduced him to his only patron, Lord Clare; it was his first signed work, and was much admired by Johnson and *Fox among others. The Vicar of Wakefield (1766), who was to become one of the most popular works of fiction in the language, was slower to find its audience, possibly because it was, as the Monthly Review commented, 'difficult to characterise'.
Goldsmith's first comedy, The Good-Natur'd Man, was rejected by *Garrick but produced at Covent Garden in 1768 with moderate success; She Stoops to Conquer followed in 1773 with immense success. Goldsmith had criticized the vogue for *sentimental comedy and the prejudice against laughter (see CHESTERFIELD) in an essay in the Westminster Magazine entitled 'A Comparison between Laughing and Sentimental Comedy' (1773); his own play's lasting popularity justified his comments.
His best-known poem, The Deserted Village, was published in 1770; his lighter verses include Retaliation (1774) and the posthumously published The Haunch of Venison (1776), written to thank Lord Clare for a gift of game from his estate. His An History of the Earth and Animated Nature (1774), also published posthumously, in eight volumes adapted from *Buffon, *Linnaeus, *Ray, and others, inventively portrays 'tygers' in Canada, and squirrels migrating on bark boats in Lapland, fanning themselves along with their tails.
There are many anecdotes about Goldsmith in Boswell's Life of *Johnson which represent him as ridiculous, vain, extravagantly dressed, improvident, and naive, but also as tender-hearted, simple, and generous, with flashes of brilliance in conversation (despite Garrick's gibe that he 'wrote like an angel, but talked like poor Poll'). He was regarded with much affection; Johnson, in his Latin epitaph, stated that he adorned whatever he touched. He never married, and his relationship with Mary Horneck, his 'Jessamy bride', remains mysterious. He was introduced to the Horneck family by *Reynolds in 1766, when Mary was 14, and accompanied Mrs. Horneck, Mary, and her other daughter Catherine ('Little Comedy', who married H. W. *Bunbury) to Paris in 1770; in 1773 he attacked Thomas Evans for publishing in the London Packet a letter from 'Tom Tickler' mocking his feelings for 'the lovely H——k'. She long outlived him, and provided material for J. Prior's life (1837); another biographer, W. *Irving (1844), concluded that Goldsmith had suffered from unrequited love, but this has been much disputed.
The 1801 Miscellaneous Works contain Percy's memoir, and there are other lives by J. Forster (1848) and Ralph M Wardle (1957). The Collected Works (5 vols, 1966) were edited by A. Friedman, and the correspondence by K. C. Balderston (1928).
Belinda Jack, a lecture on Gray's "Elegy":
Por si a alguien le interesa leer algo más de Gray, aquí está la "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College".
Y un comentario sobre este otro melancólico poema de Gray, "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College."
Un blog sobre literatura inglesa (1600-1800)
Este blog fue utilizado como material auxiliar para una asignatura del grado de Estudios Ingleses en la Universidad de Zaragoza, asignatura ...
El 3 de noviembre trataremos de Andrew Marvell. Seguidamente, pasaremos a los prosistas del XVII, empezando por Bacon. El día 4 traed la lec...
Para ir al principio del siglo XVIII, ir al final de este post, que va en orden inverso (estilo blog) como todas nuestras unidades. Emp...
Este blog fue utilizado como material auxiliar para una asignatura del grado de Estudios Ingleses en la Universidad de Zaragoza, asignatura ...