miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019

Some Early Periodicals and Newspapers

Early journalism, beyond occasional leaflets and pamphlets. Some 17th-century newspapers and periodicals:

An Abstract of some speciall forreigne occurrences brought down to the weekly newes of the 20 of December. Ed. Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne (no. 1 of their authorized foreign news pamphlets).  20 dec. 1638.

Diurnal Occurrences. Newspaper. By Samuel Pecke. 1641.

Mercurius Aulicus 1 (January 1643)

Mercurius Britannicus  1 (29 August 1643)

Mercurius Politicus. (Commonwealth Parlamentarian newspaper, 1650s; Official newspaper. By Marchamont Nedham. 1650-).

The Parliamentary Intelligencer. Newspaper. Ed. Henry Muddiman.  (No. 1, 26 Dec. 1659).

The Public Intelligencer. Official newspaper. By Marchamont Nedham. 1655.

Mercurius Publicus. Weekly. Ed. Henry Muddiman. 1660-.

The London Gazette. Founder ed. Henry Muddiman. 1665-20th century.

The Observator. Tory newspaper. Ed. Sir Roger L'Estrange. 1681-87.

The Turkish Spy. 1687-1694.

Athenian Mercury  (i.e. Athenian Gazette: Or Casuistical Mercury).  Newspaper.  Ed. John Dunton. 1690-97.

The Flying-Post. Newspaper. Ed. George Ridpath.  1695-1731.

The Gentleman's Journal. Ed. Peter Motteux. 1692-94.

The London Mercury. Periodical. Ed. Tom Brown. 1692.

The London Spy.  Ed. Ned Ward. Journal. 1698-1700.

The Post-man. Newspaper. 1695-1730.

The Post-Boy. Newspaper. Ed. Abel Roper. 1695-1736.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 






NIVEL AVANZADO: The prehistory of journalism in the late 16th c.: Birth of the Foreign Correspondent

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Un blog sobre literatura inglesa (1600-1800)

Este blog fue utilizado como material auxiliar para una asignatura del grado de Estudios Ingleses en la Universidad de Zaragoza, asignatura ...