lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019

Other Restoration dramatists (NIVEL AVANZADO)


Other Restoration dramatists:

Thomas Otway (1652-1685).

_____. Alcibiades. Heroic play. 1675.
_____. Don Carlos. Heroic play. 1676.
_____. Cheats of Scapin. Comedy. 1677? Based on Molière.
_____. Titus and Berenice. Heroic play. 1676. (Based on Racine's Bérénice ).
_____. Friendship in Fashion. Comedy. 1678.
_____. The History and Fall of Caius Marius. Drama. 1680.
_____. The Orphan. Tragedy 1680.
_____. The Poet's Complaint of His Muse. 1680.
_____. The Souldier's Fortune. 1681.
_____. Venice Preserv'd, or a Plot Discover'd. Tragedy. 1682.
_____. The Atheist. Drama. 1684.

Nathaniel Lee (c. 1649-1692)

_____.  The Tragedy of Nero. Drama.1674.
_____. Sophonisba; or, Hannibal's Overthrow. Tragedy. 1675.
_____. Gloriana. Tragedy. 1676.
_____. The Rival Queens, or the Death of Alexander the Great. Drama. 1677.
_____. Mithridates, King of Pontus. Drama. 1678.
_____. Caesar Borgia. Drama. 1680.
_____. Theodosius, or the Force of Love. Drama. 1680.
_____. Lucius Junius Brutus. Drama. 1680.
_____. Constantine the Great. Drama. 1684.
_____. The Princess of Cleve. Drama. 1689.
_____. The Massacre of Paris. Drama. 1689. (On the massacre of St Bartholomew, 1572).

In collaboration with Dryden:
_____. Oedipus. 1679.
_____. The Duke of Guise. Drama. 1682.

The Theatre of the Restoration notes from A History of English Literature, by Legouis and Cazamian.


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